F. ダルノキ-べレス アージュン・マキジャーニによる紹介文付
This is a first for The Asia-Pacific Journal: publication of a technical scientific paper addressing critical issues pertaining to the leakage of radioactive water at the Fukushima reactors. Our goal is to make this information available to the Japanese and international scientific communities, to Japanese government authorities, and TEPCO as they address the formidable issues of cleanup and safety. But we also believe that the information is of importance to informed citizens and the press in the face of further dangers that have gone unmentioned not only in government statements, but also in the press. Arjun Makhijani’s introduction provides a lucid explanation of the problem and the issues, followed by F. Dalnoki-Veress’s paper. Asia-Pacific Journal
Introduction by Arjun Makhijani
解説文 アージュン・マキジャーニ
The presence of highly radioactive water in three turbine buildings at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is widely understood to be from the damaged fuel rods in the reactors. This has rightly raised concerns because it indicates several problems including extensive fuel damage and leaks in the piping system. Less attention has been paid to the presence of a very short-lived radionuclide, chlorine-38, in the water in the turbine building of Unit 1. The following paper evaluates whether its presence provides evidence of a serious problem – one or more unintended chain reactions (technically: unintended criticalities) – in the reactor. Such chain reactions create bursts of fission products and energy, both of which could cause further damage and aggravate working conditions that are already very difficult.
Chlorine-38, which has a half-life of only 37 minutes, is created when stable chlorine-37, which is about one-fourth of the chlorine in salt, absorbs a neutron. Since seawater has been used to cool, there is now a large amount of salt – thousands of kilograms – in all three reactors. Now, if a reactor is truly shut down, there is only one significant source of neutrons, namely, the spontaneous fission of some heavy metals which are created when the reactor is working and remain present in the reactor fuel. The most important ones are two isotopes of plutonium and two of curium. But if accidental chain reactions are occurring, it means that the efforts to completely shut down the reactor by mixing boron with the seawater have not completely succeeded. Periodic criticalities, or even a single accidental one, would mean that highly radioactive fission and activation products are being (or have been) created at least in Unit 1 since it was shut down. It would also mean that one or more intense bursts of neutrons, which cause heavy radiation damage to people, have occurred and possibly could occur again, unless the mechanism is understood and measures taken to prevent it. Measures would also need to be taken to protect workers and to measure potential neutron and gamma radiation exposure.
This paper examines whether spontaneous fission alone could be responsible for the chlorine-38 found in the water of the turbine building of Unit 1. If that could be the only explanation, there would be less to be concerned about. However, the analysis indicates that it is quite unlikely that spontaneous fission is the sole or even the main explanation for the measured concentration of chlorine-38. Presuming the reported measurements are correct, this leaves only one other explanation – one or more unintended chain reactions. This paper is presented in the spirit of encouraging discussion of whether further safety measures might be needed, and whether supplementary measures to bring the reactors under control should be considered. It is also presented as a preliminary analysis for scientific discussion of a terrible and technically challenging nuclear crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.
Arjun Makhijani March 30, 2011
アージュン・マキジャーニ 2011年3月30日
I have been consumed over the last few weeks by the events unfolding in Japan. I keep alternating between complete disbelief and acceptance of the gravity of the situation, but mostly disbelief. And I am not the only one. Most of the nuclear physicists and engineers with whom I have spoken since the incident cannot - will not - believe that it is possible that some of the fuel that is melting could somehow produce little pockets that could go critical. I believed them for the longest time until the following appeared on the Kyodo news website (relevant text italicized below for emphasis) and I did the following analysis. FD-V March 30, 2011
この数週間私は日本で次第に明らかになってくる事ごとに気を奪われるばかりであった。とても信じられないという思いと事態の重大性を認めざるを得ないという思いの間を行きつ戻りつしていたが、殆どは不信であった。そして私だけではない。この事故以来私が話し合った核物理学者や原子力エンジニアは殆どが、溶融している燃料の幾らかが何らかの理由で臨界に至る可能性のある小さなポケットを形成することがありうる、そんな可能性を信ずることはできないし、信じようとしない。共同通信のニュースウェブサイトに次のようなニュース(関連する部分を強調のため下ではイタリック体にした)が出される迄、私が以下の分析をし終えるまでは、この間ずっと彼らと思いを共にしてきた。FD-V(F. ダルノキ-べレス) 2011年3月30日
“Neutron beam observed 13 times at crippled Fukushima nuke plant
TOKYO, March 23, Kyodo
Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Wednesday it has observed a neutron beam, a kind of radioactive ray, 13 times the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant after it was crippled by the massive March 11 quake-tsunami disaster.
TEPCO, the operator of the nuclear plant, said the neutron beam measured about 1.5 kilometers southwest of the plant's No. 1 and 2 reactors over three days from March 13 and is equivalent to 0.01 to 0.02 microsieverts per hour and that this is not a dangerous level.
The utility firm said it will measure uranium and plutonium, which could emit a neutron beam, as well.
In the 1999 criticality accident at a nuclear fuel processing plant run by JCO Co. in Tokaimura, Ibaraki Prefecture, uranium broke apart continually in nuclear fission, causing a massive amount of neutron beams.
In the latest case at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, such a criticality accident has yet to happen.
But the measured neutron beam may be evidence that uranium and plutonium leaked from the plant's nuclear reactors and spent nuclear fuels have discharged a small amount of neutron beams through nuclear fission.”
Also, on March 25th, TEPCO made public a measurement of the contributions of different isotopes to the extremely high measured radioactivity of the seawater used to cool reactor #1. The reasons why these measurements were taken so late in the crisis (or why the information was released so late) is unclear at present.
また、3月25日、東京電力は、1号機の冷却に使われた海水で測定された極めて高い放射能への種々の同位体からの寄与を測定した結果を公表した。このような危機の時に何故これほど遅れてこの測定を行ったのか(或いは何故情報開示がこんなに遅れたのか) は今のところはっきりしてない。
放射性核種 濃度(Bq/cm3) Cl-38 1.6×106 As-74 3.9×102 Y-91 5.2×104 I-131 2.1×105 Cs-134 1.6×105 Cs-136 1.7×104 Cs-137 1.8×106 La-140 3.4×102
Table 1: The contribution of different isotopes to the radioactivity from a sample taken in the turbine building of reactor #1[2]
表1 1号機タービン建屋で採取された放射能に対する種々の同位体の寄与[2] [訳者注:表及び文中で「e6」などは「106」などを意味するが、訳文中では後者に置き換えた。]
The measured levels of Cesium and Iodine, Cs-137 and I-131, were expectedly very high. The very high concentration of one isotope however – Cl-38 – was the figure that drew my attention. Why worry? Cl-38 has a 37-min half-life beta decay; in a couple of days it will be gone. However, the fact that it was there at all, and in such high concentration, puzzled me. Could it be that the incident flux of neutrons converted the 24% Cl-37 present naturally in salt to Cl-38 through radiative neutron capture (a simple reaction: add a neutron give up a gamma, and you have Cl-38)? What flux could have produced the observed radioactivity? In what follows, I attempt to calculate the neutron flux that would have been able to produce the observed radioactivity. There is a bit of math, but you can skip to the conclusions. All calculations assume that the TEPCO measurements reported in Table 1 are correct.
セシウムとヨウ素、Cs-137とI-131、の測定値は予想通り大変高かった。しかし同位体の一つ、Cl-38、の濃度の値が大変高いことが私の注意を惹いた。何故気になるのか。Cl-38のベータ崩壊の半減期は37分であり、数日のうちに消滅してしまうだろう。しかし、この同位体がそこに存在したことそのこと自体、そしてそんなに高濃度で存在していたことが私を当惑させた。中性子入射フラックスが天然の塩素中に24%存在するCl-37を放射中性子捕獲 (単純な反応:中性子を取り込みガンマ線を放出すればCl-38を得る)でCl-38に変換した、ということが起こり得るのだろうか。どのくらいのフラックスなら観測された放射能を生成できるだろうか。以下に、観測された放射能を生成することが可能である中性子フラックスの算出を試みる。数学が少しあるが、飛ばして結論に行くことができる。すべての計算で表1に報じられている東電の測定値が正しいものと仮定している。
First we calculate the number of Cl-38 nuclei that are present that would explain the observed radioactivity. The half-life of Cl-38 = 37.24 min which corresponds to a decay constant of λ38 = 0.00031021 s-1. So that: dN38/dt = -λ38N38 where, dN38/dt = 1.6e6 s-1 and N38 = 5.16e9 Cl-38 nuclei. This means that the activity measured is consistent with the production of 5.16e9 Cl-38 nuclei. The next question is how much Cl-37 was present in the seawater in the first place? The mass of chlorine in seawater is 19345 mg/kg = 19.345g Cl/kg[3]. Also, the fraction of Cl-37 in natural Cl is = 24.23% (see Table 2 below).
最初に、観測された放射能を説明できるCl-38核の存在数を計算する。Cl-38の半減期=37.24minは崩壊定数λ38 = 0.00031021 s-1に対応する。それ故:dN38/dt = -λ38N38ここでdN38/dt = - 1.6×106 s-1 なのでN38 = 5.16×109 Cl-38核である。これは測定された放射能強度は5,16×109個の核生成に相当することを意味する。次の問題は最初に海水中にどれだけのCl-37が存在したかである。海水中の塩素の質量は19345 mg/kg = 19.345g Cl/kg[3].である。また、天然のCl中のCl-37の割合は=24.23%(下の表2を見よ)。[訳者注:原文のdN38/dt = 1.6e6 s-1の右辺にはマイナス記号「-」が必要である。なお、著者から許可を得たので、原文中の明白な誤りは訳文中では訂正を施した。]
同位体 モル質量 %
Cl-35 34.9688527 75.77
Cl-37 36.9659026 24.23
Table 2: The isotopic abundance and molar mass of chlorine
表2 塩素の同位体存在比とモル質量
The mass of Cl-37 can then be found to be 25% (we must account for the difference in molar mass of the two isotopes: it is a very small difference but it adjusts the fraction Cl-38 by mass to be 25%) of 19.345 g Cl/kg = 4.89g Cl-37/kg. Using Avogadro’s number we can calculate the total number of Cl-37 nuclei/g of seawater to be N37 = 7.96e19.
Cl-37の質量はしたがって19.345 g Cl/kgの25.26%(二つの同位体のモル質量の差を考慮に入れなければならない:差は極めて小さいが、Cl38の質量割合の修正値は25.26%になる) = 4.89g Cl-37/kgとなることがわかる。アボガドロ数を用いて海水中のCl-37の合計数、核数/gはN37 = 7.96×1019.と算出できる。[訳者注:質量割合の修正値は厳密には25.26%。この値、或いは四捨五入した25.3%を用いた結果が本文の4.89g Cl-37/kg。上記括弧内の25%を使うと4.84 g Cl-37/kgとなる。上記本文中の25%は、25.26%或いは25.3%とすべきだろう。]
We now know that N37 = 7.96e19 Cl-37 nuclei/g of seawater, and we observed that 5.16e9 of these have been converted to Cl-38. The question then becomes what flux could have produced this many Cl-38 nuclei?
こうして海水中の N37 = 7.96×1019 Cl-37 核数/gであることがわかり、そしてこれらのうち5.16×109がCl-38に変換されていることを観測した。すると問題は、これだけ多くのCl-38核を生成したフラックスは幾らかということになる。
We now assume Cl-38 was produced as the seawater was being circulated through the fuel. What is the flux of neutrons we need to produce the observed N38?
Since Cl-38 is radioactive with a decay constant given by λ38 the rate of change of the number of Cl-38 nuclei is given by:
This is the familiar equation of series decay where one isotope is being produced and at the same time is decaying. This equation can be easily solved (see for example I. Kaplan, Nuclear Physics, 1958, p 463.):
Where, ϕ is the flux in n/cm2.s, and σ(γ,n) = 383.7mb is the radiative capture cross-section which would result in the production of Cl-38 at the Maxwellian distribution average temperature. Note that the thermal neutron cross-section is not very different at 432 mb so similar results would be obtained if we assumed that all the neutrons are thermalized.
ここでϕはn/cm2.sで表したフラックスであり、σ(γ,n) = 383.7mbはマクスウェル分布平均温度でのCl-38を生成する放射捕獲断面積である。熱中性子断面積はそれほど違いは無い432mbであることに注意すると、すべての中性子は熱中性子化されていると仮定すれば同じような結果が得られるはずである。
Now, we know that after activation we produced N38(t) = 5.16e9 Cl-38/cm3, so we let t = T, the time when activation stopped so that N38(T)=5.16e9 nuclei/cm3. We also know the value of the factor σ(γ,n)N37/λ38 = 0.098445192.
ところで、励起後N38(t) = 5.16×109Cl-38/cm3を生成したことがわかっているので、t = T、励起が止まった時間と置くと、N38(T) = 5.16×109Cl-38/cm3である。我われはまた係数の値σ(γ,n)N37/λ38 = 0.098445192もわかっている。
So that the flux can be expressed very simply as a function of irradiation time T:
ϕ =5.2415×10 10 /{1-exp(-λ38T)}
We assume that the production of Cl-38 started with the deliberate introduction of seawater on March 23rd (according to the TEPCO press briefing[4]) into reactor #1. Therefore, since the measurement appears to have been done on March 25th it means that we have a maximum activation time of 2 days. In fact, we really have two regions of flux that are significant. The first region is where the denominator is < 1 (corresponding to activation time T0.4 days).
我われはCl-38の生成は1号機の原子炉に意図的に海水を導入した3月23日(東電の記者会見[4]に従って)に始まったと仮定する。従って、測定は3月25日に行われたようなので、最長活性化時間は2日間であることを意味する。実際には二つの領域でのフラックスが重要である。第一の領域は上式の分母が< 1の領域である(活性化時間T0.4日に対応する)。
A lower limit in the flux is set when T is long (i.e. > 0.5 d) so that the denominator approaches unity. We call this flux (ϕ = 5.241e10 n/cm2.s) and it is the lower limit of the flux that could have produced the Cl-38 nuclei radioactivity observed.
フラックスが下限になるのはTが長く(すなわち > 0.5 d)分母が1に近づくときである。これをフラックス(ϕ = 5.241×1010n/cm2.s)と呼ぶと、それはCl-38核の観測された放射線量を生成することのできるフラックスの下限である。
What might have caused the concentration of Cl-38?
The first possible explanation to consider is that the seawater was circulated among the core intercepting neutrons from natural spontaneous fission of the used nuclear fuel. The second possible explanation to consider is localized criticalities.
Recall that nuclear fuel changes its isotopic composition upon irradiation in a reactor. This is the reason why we are concerned about plutonium production in nuclear reactors from a nonproliferation point of view. We investigated this by calculating the number of spontaneous fissions from a typical BWR with 4% enriched fuel after 45 MWdth/kg burnup (see IAEA-TECDOC-1535, pg. 74). The inventory we get for 1 metric ton fuel for the primary neutron producing isotopes are shown in Table 2.
原子炉中で照射されるにつれて核燃料はその同位体組成を変えることを思い起こそう。我われが原子炉内でのプルトニウム生成に核不拡散の観点から関心を持つ理由がここにある。我われは4%濃縮燃料を装填した典型的なBWRの燃焼度45 MWdth/kg (IAEA-TECDOC-1535、p74を見よ)の燃料からの自発核分裂の数を計算することでこれを調べた。一次中性子を発生する同位体について、燃料1トンに対する核種の存在量を表2に示す。[訳者注:MWdth/kg =megawatt days thermal/kg]
同位体 同位体 同位体の BrSF=SF 半減期 同位体の 中性子生成
存在量 個数 同位体 = T1/2 崩壊定数 数/sec
Miso =# 核/g 分岐比 単位:年 =λiso
g/MTHM =ρiso (%) 単位:s-1
Pu-238 2.66×102 2.53×1021 1.85×10-7 8.77×101 2.51×10-10 9.35×105
Pu-240 2.57×103 2.51×1021 5.75×10-7 6.56×103 3.35×10-12 3.72×106
Pu-242 6.79×102 2.49×1021 5,54×10-4 3.73×105 5.89×10-14 1.65×106
Cm-242 2.02×101 2.49×1021 6.37×10-6 1.63×102 1.35×10-10 1.29×106
Cm-244 5.26×101 2.47×1021 1.37×10-4 1.81×101 1.21×10-9 6.49×108
Table 2: The isotopic inventory, nuclei/g, branching ratio for spontaneous fission, half-life, and decay constant for different neutron producing isotopes present in spent nuclear fuel. The largest flux comes from even Pu isotopes and Cm. Note: MTHM= metric ton heavy metal and refers to the active component of the fuel SF= spontaneous fission. Isotopic inventory obtained from IAEA-TECDOC-1535, pg 74.
表2 使用済核燃料中に存在する種々の中性子生成同位体の、同位体存在量、核数/g、自発核分裂に対する分岐比、半減期、及び崩壊定数。最大のフラックスが実にPuおよびCm同位体から生じている。注:MTHM=metric ton heavy metal(重金属1トン)で燃料の活性成分を表す。SF=spontaneous fission(自発核分裂)。同位体存在量はIAEA-TECDOC-1535、p74から引用した値。
The neutron production rate from spontaneous fission can be calculated for each isotope by summing the contribution of spontaneous fission by each isotope.
(dN_n)/dt=∑i=1:iso[λiMiρi(Bri,SF)/100)νi]; where ν is the average number of neutrons. We will assume that all neutrons will be thermalized and about 3 neutrons are produced per fission. The total neutron production rate found is 6.56e8 neutrons/sec for 1 metric ton. However, the full mass of fuel in the core is 69 metric tons. Therefore, the source strength of the core due to spontaneous fission is 4.53e10 neutrons/sec.
At this rate we can use the formula for simultaneous production and decay to calculate the number of Cl-38 produced as a function of time.
However, knowing the source strength does not tell us the flux. To determine the flux we have to know the configuration of the fuel with respect to the seawater. This is difficult to determine given the little information that is known about the status of reactor #1. To get an estimate we will consider several hypothetical scenarios:
1) Scenario 1: The fuel has melted, and has assembled in the bottom of the inpedestal and expedestal regions of the reactor vessel (the “bulb”) as shown in Figure 1. The seawater is assumed to come into contact and cover the melting fuel as shown in Figure 2. This scenario was predicted in C. R.Hyman’s report (“Contain calculation of debris conditions adjacent to the BWR Mark I drywell shell during the later phases of a severe accident”, Nucl. Engin. and Design., 121, 1990, p 379-393.).
1) シナリオ1:核燃料は溶融し、図1に示されるように原子炉容器(「バルブ」)の脚柱内および脚柱外領域の底に堆積した。海水は図2で示されるように溶融燃料と接触して覆うと仮定する。このシナリオはC. R. ハイマンの報告(「重大事故後期段階でのBWR Mark I ドライウェル本体に接する残骸の含有物の計算」、Nucl. Engin. and Design.、121、1990、p 379-393)の中で予想されたものである。
脚柱外領域 脚柱外領域
Figure 1: Figure showing the pressure vessel and Mark I containment and the inpedestal and expedestal regions which are the regions where it is assumed that the melted fuel would assemble (Figure adapted from C. R. Hyman, Nucl. Eng. and Des., 121, 1990, Fig 2).
図1:圧力容器とMark I原子炉格納容器、および、溶融した燃料が集積すると仮定する領域である脚柱内および脚柱内領域を示す図(C. R. ハイマン、Nucl. Eng. and Des.、 121、1990、図2)。
The flux is calculated by assuming a simple slab geometry as is shown in Figure 2 where the neutron source is assumed to rest underneath the layer of water and half of the neutrons are expected to go on average up and half down. The flux is defined by the number of neutrons that intersect a 1 cm2 area which is half the source strength divided by the area of the slab. We assume that the slab area is the sum of the inpedestal and expedestal areas (according to C. R. Hyman op cit).
フラックスは図2で示される単純なスラブ状配置を仮定して計算し、中性子源は水の層より下部に収まり、平均して中性子の半数が上方に半数が下方に行くものと仮定する。フラックスは面積1cm2を通過する中性子数と定義され、線源強度の1/2をスラブの面積で割ったものである。スラブ面積は脚柱内および脚柱外領域の面積の和と仮定する(C. R. ハイマン、既出、による)。
φ=n/cm2.sで表したフラックス MARK-1 の見取り図
面 1cm
1cm2 体積
1cm3 cm2で表した
原子炉圧力容器 使用済燃料プール
ドライウェル 二次コンクリート遮蔽壁
海水 WW
燃料 ウェットウェル
中性子は平均して上 脚柱内領域の床上の溶融燃料 脚柱外領域の床
下同数放射すると仮定する 面積=29.9 cm2 面積=102.2 cm2
Figure 2: Figure showing how the neutron flux is calculated. We assume a simple slab geometry where the seawater covers the fuel and ½ of the neutrons source travels up and half travels down. The flux intersecting the neutrons is the ratio of the area of 1 cm3 to the area of the slab which is assumed to be the sum of the inpedestal and expedestal areas (illustration of Mark-I adapted from Wikipedia).
図2 中性子フラックスの計算法を示す図。単純な層形状で、海水が燃料を覆い放射中性子の1/2が上方に半分が下方に向うと仮定する。遮られる中性子のフラックスは1 cm3の立方体の面積の、脚柱内と脚柱外の面積の和と仮定しているスラブ面積に対する比である(Mark- Iの模式図はWikipediaから採った)。
We use the familiar equation from before and find that:
N38(t) = ϕ [σ(γ,n)N37/λ38 ] {1-exp(-λ38t)}
N38(T) = 1.71×104{1-exp(-λ38T)}
[訳者注:φ= (1/A[cm2])×(Source Strength[n/s]/2)
= (1/132.1×[(100cm)2])×(4.53×1010/2)=1.71×104n/cm2.s
したがって N38(T) = 1.71×104×0.098445192{1-exp(-λ38T)}
= 1.69×103{1-exp(-λ38T)}
Now, the maximum number of Cl-38 nuclei are produced when T is long and is maximum at 1.71e4Cl-38 nuclei. As time increases as many Cl-38 nuclei are produced as decay and an equilibrium is established. So assuming that the seawater covers the fuel in the floor of the “bulb” it is clear that in this proposed scenario not enough neutrons are produced to account for a 1.6 MBq Cl-38 radioactivity.
ここで、Tが長い時に最大数のCl-38核が生成され、最大値は1.69×103Cl-38核となる。時間が長くなるにつれ崩壊と平衡が成立し、多くのCl-38核が生成する。従って、海水が「バブル」の底面にある燃料を覆うと仮定して、ここに提示したシナリオでは1.6 MBq Cl-38の放射能を説明するに十分な中性子は生成しないことは明らかである。
2) Scenario 2: The second scenario is if the fuel partially melts but the core leaves crevices through which the seawater can flow. In this case the 1 cm3 water is assumed to be surrounded by a homogeneous neutron emitting fuel.
2) シナリオ2: 第2のシナリオは、燃料は部分的に溶融しているが炉心は隙間を残しそこを海水が流れることができる、というものである。この場合1 cm3の水が中性子を放出する一様な燃料に囲まれていると仮定する。
The flux is calculated by calculating the ratio of the 1 cm3 as compared to the complete volume of the fuel. We know that the total mass of the fuel is 69 metric tons and the density of the fuel changes considerably at high temperatures (see Figure 3).
10.0 個体 液体
密度(g/cm3) 融解に伴う密度変化
9.0 -8.8%
8.5 融点
3100 3200 3300
温 度(K)
Figure 3: Figure showing how the UO2 fuel density changes as a function of temperature (Figure taken from W.D. Drotning, Thermal Expansion of Molten Uranium Dioxide, CONF-81069601).
図3 温度の関数としてのUO2燃料密度の変化を示す図(図はW. D. ドロトニング、溶融二酸化ウランの熱膨張、CONF-81069601、から引用)
We assume that the density is approximately 8.86 g/cm3 at temperatures exceeding 3120 K so that the volume occupied by the fuel is 6.77e6 cm3. Therefore the fraction of the flux that is intercepted by the 1 cm3 volume is 1.48e-7. We assume that the flux through the 1 cm3 volume is also proportional to this fraction. Therefore, the flux is assumed to be = 4.53e10*1.48e-7 = 6703 n/cm2.s. and the number of Cl-38 nuclei can be calculated as before:
N38(t) = ϕ [σ(γ,n)N37/λ38 ] {1-exp(-λ38t)}
N38(T) = 570.8{1-exp(-λ38T)}
[訳者注:燃料が占める体積は質量69トン÷密度8.86g/cm3=7.7878104×106cm3=7.79×106cm3となる。したがって体積1cm3によって遮られるフラックスの割合も1.28×10-7である。よってフラックスは=4.53×1010×1.28×10-7=5798 n/cm2sとなる。著者は核燃料の全質量69トンを60トンと誤認して計算している。しかし、本分析の結論には全く影響しない。訳文の中では、全質量を69トンとした時の訳者の計算値を採用した。]
In this scenario we find that the number of Cl-38 nuclei reaches a maximum at 7x102 which again is certainly not enough to explain the observed Cl-38 radioactivity of 1.6 MBq. So this scenariois just as implausible as scenario 1 above, making it obvious that spontaneous fission cannot account for the reported concentration of Cl-38.
To summarize: We can compare the calculated number of Cl-38 nuclei determined from the measured Cl-38 radioactivity, to the upper limit of the number of Cl-38 nuclei assuming the two scenarios and express this as a percentage. We find that the scenario where the molten fuel pours into the inpedestal and expedestal areas suggests a Cl-38 number that is 3.3e-4% of what is needed to explain the observed Cl-38 radioactivity. Also, the second scenario in which a small 1 cm3 sample is embedded in a uniform neutron flux suggests a Cl-38 number which is even smaller at 1.3e-5%. Barring significant information that we do not possess, neither spontaneous fission and seawater option explains the observed radioactivity.
So we are left with the uncomfortable realization that the cause of the Cl-38 concentrations is not seawater intercepting neutrons from natural spontaneous fission of the used nuclear fuel. There has to be another reason.
Assuming that the TEPCO measurements are correct, this analysis seems to indicate that we cannot discount the possibility that there was another strong neutron source during the time that the workers were sending seawater into the core of reactor #1. However, without knowing the details of the configuration of the core and how the seawater came in contact with the fuel, it is difficult to be certain. Given these uncertainties it is nonetheless important for TEPCO to be aware of the possibility of transient criticalities when work is being done; otherwise workers would be in considerably greater danger than they already are when trying to working to contain the situation. A transient criticality could explain the observed 13“neutron beams” reported by Kyodo news agency (see above). This analysis is not a definitive proof, but it does mean that we cannot rule out localized criticality and TEPCO should assure that the workers take the necessary precautions.
Arjun Makhijani is president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (www.ieer.org). He holds a Ph.D. in engineering (specialization: nuclear fusion) from the University of California at Berkeley and has produced many studies and articles on nuclear fuel cycle related issues, including weapons production, testing, and nuclear waste, over the past twenty years. He is the author of Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free: A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy the first analysis of a transition to a U.S. economy based completely on renewable energy, without any use of fossil fuels or nuclear power. He is the principal editor of Nuclear Wastelands and the principal author of Mending the Ozone Hole. He can be contacted here: arjun@ieer.org.
アージュン・マキジャーニはエネルギー環境研究所( www.iwwr.org )の所長である。カリフォルニア大学バークレー校からの工学(専攻:核融合)でのPh.Dを持っており、兵器生産、試験、核廃棄物を含む核燃料サイクル関連事項で過去二十年以上にわたる多くの研究と論文がある。Nuclear Wastelands誌の編集長であり、「Mending the Ozone Hole(オゾンホール修復)」の主要著者である。連絡先: arjun@ieer.org 。
Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress is a Research Scientist at the James Martin Center for Non-Proliferation Studies of the Monterey Institute of International Studies. He is a specialist on nuclear disarmament and on aspects of global proliferation of fissile materials. He holds a PhD in high energy physics from Carleton University, Canada, specializing in ultra-low radioactivity background detectors. He can be contacted here: ferenc.dalnoki@ miis.edu and 831- 647-4638.
フェレンク・ダルノキ-べレスはモンテレイ国際関係研究所のジェームス・マーチン非拡散研究センター研究員である。核軍縮及び核分裂性物質の世界的拡散の諸問題の専門家である。カナダ、カールトン大学からの高エネルギー物理分野でのPhDを持ち、極低放射能バックグラウンド検出器を専門とする。連絡先: ferenc.dalnoki@miis.edu および、Phone 831-647-4638。
Recommended citation: Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress and Arjun Makhijani, What Caused the High Cl-38 Radioactivity in the Fukushima Daiichi Reactor #1?, The Asia-Pacific Journal Vol 9, Issue 14 No 3, April 4, 2011.
推奨する引用:Ferenc Dalnoki-Veress and Arjun Makhijani, What Caused the High Cl-38 Radioactivity in the Fukushima Daiichi Reactor #1?, The Asia-Pacific Journal Vol 9, Issue 14 No 3, April 4, 2011.
1 Thanks go to Dr. Patricia Lewis (CNS, MIIS) and Arjun Makhijani (IEER) for carefully reviewing this memo, and for thoughtful and stimulating discussions. Dr. Lewis may be contacted at patricia.lewis@miis.edu.
1 このメモを注意深く精査し示唆に富み刺激的な討論をしてくれたことに対してパトリシア・ルイス博士(CNS、MIIS)およびアージュン・マキジャーニ(IEER)に感謝する。ルイス博士の連絡先は patricia.lewis@miis.edu 。
2 Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, News Release, March 26, 2011.
2 核及び工業安全局、経済産業省、News Release、3月26日、2011年。
3 Dr. J. Floor Anthoni, The Chemical Composition of Seawater (2000, 2006).
3 J. フローア・アントニ博士、海水の化学組成(2000年、2006年)。
4 Press Release (Mar 26, 2011) TEPCO News, Plant Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (as of 8:00 PM Mar 26th): “At approximately 2:30 am on March 23rd, seawater was started to be injected to the nuclear reactor through the feed water system.”
4 プレスリリース (2011年3月26日)TEPCOニュース、福島第一原子力発電所のプラント状況(3月26日8:00PM現在):「3月23日2:30am頃、原子炉に注水システムを通して海水注入を開始した。」[訳者注:第1号機についてである。相当することが日本語のTEPCOニュース: http://www.tepco.co.jp/cc/press/11032601-j.html に出ている。]
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